Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Healing


Calm the mind, love your body, heal your heart and free your soul. 

In this divinely channelled collection of meditations and visualizations, you will embark on a journey of whole-being healing transformation.

Each meditation begins with grounding and a crown chakra activation to support your physical body in receiving the maximum healing energy. These individual recordings have been designed to be short yet powerfully effective healing tools to easily integrate into your morning or evening routine.

Create space to listen to one or two meditations each day and begin to watch your outer world reflect the deep transformational healing occurring from within.

When you’re in alignment; mind, body, heart, and soul – your potential is LIMITLESS.

Includes four audio downloads.

Mind Transformation Meditation  – 8 Minutes
Body Transformation Meditation – 8 Minutes
Heart Transformation Meditation – 10 Minutes
Soul Transformation Meditation –  9 Minutes