Holistic Manifesting Collection


Healing and Manifesting Go Hand in Hand

When you dive deep into your healing, no longer can the ego trick you into manifesting through the low vibrational energy beliefs of needing money, love, freedom, health, or beauty to fill a void inside of you…when you manifest with Soul you create from the energy of already knowing that you are worthy, deserving, and most importantly capable of having whatever your heart and soul truly desire for you.

This collection includes three guided meditation and visualizations to support you on your healing and manifestation journey.

Balance Your Chakras – 10 Minutes
Clear, balance and protect the energy centers of your body to raise your vibrational frequency and attract your deepest desires.

Manifesting With Heart and Soul – 11 Minutes
Tap into your heart space and surround your intentions with the energy of love before releasing them into the Universe.

Journey of Self Discovery – 15 Minutes
Connect with your inner guide and intuition to support you in discovering your truest self and higher path and purpose.