Balance the Ego by Healing the Heart

If you landed on this blog post, you likely have a sense of something bigger than your human self. Maybe it’s your Soul, Higher Self, God, Source, or the Universe. Whatever “title” you believe in is irrelevant; what truly matters is your awareness and connection to something more.

Healing the Ego with the Soul through the Heart Chakra

Whether we know it or not, we all crave a deeper connection to this “something more.” As many of us are unaware of our unbreakable bond with the highest Source of creation, we unconsciously seek escape from the pain of this illusion of “disconnect” through temporary external pleasures and distractions. 

What we think will make us happy, fulfilled and whole, be it a career, relationship, vacation, body type, house, or number in our bank account – only satisfies us temporarily before we move on to the next thing we need or desire. 

It is natural for us to have desires to expand, experience, evolve, and create, but when we are never truly “satisfied,” it is a clear sign our Ego is directing our energy. The Ego will endlessly seek pleasure, avoid pain, and attempt to escape the “void” only the light of the Soul can fill.

Soulful expression is how we experience true happiness, abundance, freedom, connection and balance. When we develop a deep connection with our true selves, the Soul, we can balance the overworking energy of the Ego. 

Since the Ego seeks pleasure and avoids pain, without the energy of our Soul in balance, most of us have learned to operate primarily from the frequency of avoiding discomfort and, as a result, have disconnected from our true essence. 

When you notice yourself endlessly hungering for external sources of happiness, this is often a sign of the Ego seeking pleasure to avoid something that needs your attention. 

Balance Begins in the Heart

Healing the Ego through the Heart Chakra

We experience love, joy, liberation, sadness, heartbreak and pain through our hearts, the energy centre of the heart chakra. When we close ourselves off from the pain, we also close ourselves off from the experience of the true love and joy we seek. Closing ourselves off from pain closes our Heart chakra. 

The heart chakra is significant because it is the “bridge” between our “higher chakras,” the Crown, Third Eye, and Throat chakra and the “lower chakras,” the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root. The higher energy centres connect us with our Soul, and the lower chakras, our Physical/Ego/Human selves. 

When the Ego directs the flow of energy, without the Soul, many imbalance symptoms will occur. You’ll recognize them primarily in overactive or underactive lower chakras. The access to the higher chakras, connection with divine knowledge (Crown), intuition (Third Eye) and soulful expression (Throat) are unable to manifest into the physical without opening and healing the Heart. 

These are some examples of the lower chakras being out of balance. It is common to flip back and forth between overactive and underactive symptoms of imbalance when operating solely from the consciousness of the Ego.

Lower Chakra Imbalances

  • Solar Plexus – Personal Power 
    Overactive: Seeking personal power externally by attempting to gain control over others to escape feeling powerless.
    Underactive: Believes it is worthless and gives up all power and authority to others.
  • Sacral Chakra – Pleasure
    Overactive: Seeks pleasure as an escape, overindulging, never satisfied.
    Underactive: Doesn’t feel pleasure in anything or denies the self of things that bring pleasure.
  • Root – Security  
    Overactive: Driven by money, physical possessions, and obsesses over having more.  
    Underactive: Fearful and scarce around money, spending money immediately to unconsciously “get rid of it,” constantly in a state of “poverty.” 

The healing process of opening and purifying the Heart brings the unconscious lessons hidden in your pain together with the consciousness of your Soul. When these energies work together, they help you to understand the greater perspective of yourself, your power, and the energy of the world around you. 

To connect the Ego to the Soul, we open our Heart chakra and allow the higher perspectives of our Soul through the higher chakras to bring light, love, and understanding to the Ego self and the lower chakras. 

As you heal your trapped emotions through your Heart, the energy can flow freely without restriction, creating space for your Soul’s integration and expression.

What are your thoughts about the Ego?

When we see our Ego as “bad” or something to conquer, we naturally reject a part of ourselves. We are Souls in a human experience, and the Ego is a part of this experience. 

It is impossible to become whole while abandoning any part of yourself; we become whole by bringing understanding and compassion to the pieces we’ve unconsciously rejected and deemed “unworthy” of acceptance. 

To “transcend” the Ego, meaning going beyond the range of limits of its current state of consciousness, we must see it as something to be loved, held, and understood. It is the part of you that feels powerless, alone, forgotten, and left out.

Even the darkest, most shameful parts of yourself that you keep hidden from the world, in fear that if someone saw that part of you, you would be exposed as being “bad” or “unworthy,” need, deserve and have your Souls love, understanding and acceptance.

How to Start Bringing Balance

Bringing Ego in Balance with Soul through the Heart Chakra

Awareness is the first step; I encourage you to start noticing how your Ego operates and how it attempts to “escape” discomfort. From here, we can begin to observe our Ego from the non-judgemental lens of the Soul. 

What are some of your “pleasure-seeking or pain-avoiding” activities?

These things make you feel good/feel better and may become amplified during times of stress. Also, notice if you judge yourself for “good” or “bad” behaviours of activities. 

Feeling guilt, judgement, or shame towards ourselves related to our “pleasure-seeking activities” is an Ego response and a clear indicator we require our Soul’s understanding, acceptance and healing. 

While we may not want to continue with behaviours that cause damage to ourselves or others, the Ego will not resolve this conflict on its own. Bringing awareness will help integrate more of your Soul’s understanding and acceptance of yourself, which brings true healing and transformation. 

Become Emotionally Available to Yourself

Many of us learned from our well-meaning but emotionally unavailable caregivers how to shut ourselves off from our own emotions. In childhood, you may have heard to “stop crying” while not knowing what to do with the big feelings you felt in your little body. 

Over time, you learned to shut down your significant emotional reactions because feeling them wasn’t safe. On an energetic level, this is how the heart chakra has become shut and unable to feel and process emotions. Since all emotions are energy, without having an outlet to flow through, these emotions become trapped in your body. 

The trapped emotions cause discomfort, resulting in our Ego seeking pleasure to avoid the pain. Healing begins with creating space to become emotionally available to yourself. Develop a practice of connecting with yourself daily to check in and see how you are feeling. 

Place your hands over your Heart, and visualize your Heart chakra opening up. Ask yourself, 

  • “How am I feeling?”
  • “What do I need right now?” 
  • “Is there anything I’m afraid to feel right now?” 
  • “Did anything today trigger a pain within me that needs my love and attention?”

Bring the “Parts” of You Together

When you experience a challenge or obstacle, bring your attention to the “light/positive” and “dark/negative” sides. In all things, there is a polarity that is part of the same whole. Our Ego tends to see something that makes us feel pain/discomfort “negatively” and rejects the “positive” lessons our Soul can learn through the pain. 

When we begin to practice thinking and seeing all things this way, of neither being good or bad, black or white, right or wrong, we can start to accept and understand ourselves in our wholeness. 

We aren’t one thing or another. 

We are both perfectly divine Souls and perfectly imperfect humans.

Megan xo 

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