Spirituality Without Soul – 3 Practices to Restore Your Energy

Healing from Toxic Spirituality and Spiritual Bypassing

Practicing spirituality without healing is a way our Ego can seek to escape pain and attempt to gain pleasure through external happiness without incorporating the healing energy of the Soul. Our Ego always longs to be somewhere other than the present moment, which is why the spiritual world is so enticing for many who need deep Soul healing. 

Toxic spirituality, or spiritual bypassing, is when we only look to the “bright side” of “love and light,” altogether rejecting the shadow within ourselves and others. When we only see things “one way or the other,” we cannot understand, integrate and embody the light of our Soul into our mind and body.

Rather than feeling all the energies we experience in this reality and healing the barriers around our heart that block the connection with our intuition and Soul, the Ego uses spirituality in many ways to escape itself. 

Some examples include;

  • Choosing to “mentally reside” in the spiritual world and looking for discoveries about ourselves in the “external” world of spirituality. Frequently seeking answers from different healers/spiritual guides, tarot card readers, psychic readings, past life regressions etc. 
  • Waiting for yourself and the world to be saved by someone or something outside of yourself. Needing other people to wake up for the world to change, preaching your perspectives to “save” others, or passively waiting for a “shift” in the external world.
  • Escaping the current reality through conscious altering substances for “spiritual” development.
    Healing herbs and natural substances/medicines can be tools for expanding consciousness, but the Ego believes the answers can only come when you alter your state of being through external resources. 
  • Choosing to live with the “love and light/think happy thoughts/good vibes only” mentality. When we limit our perspective to one side of life, we spiritually bypass and emotionally invalidate the deep healing process of our own experiences; this healing process is part of how our Souls integrate into human consciousness.

Healing to Remember the Light of the Soul

Healing from Toxic Spirituality and Spiritual Bypassing

While my perspective is one where the ultimate truth is love, which is stronger than any fear, we live in a world of contrast in this dimension. Our Soul has the opportunity to evolve by remembering the light that shines through all pain, fear and darkness. Darkness serves a powerful purpose, and refusing to look at the pain within ourselves and the world only limits us and keeps us in the confines and control of the limited Ego mind. 

When we long to be somewhere in the future, the place where we’ve finally “fixed” what we need to “fix” so that we can get to the place where we have “figured it out,” it is a sign the Ego is directing our energy and is operating from the belief that we will be happier being somewhere other than where we are right now. 

When we balance our energies through healing and purification, we unite our Ego and our Soul, the Mind and Body, and Masculine and Feminine Energies. Through embodying the wholeness of who we are as spiritual and physical beings, we can live in alignment with our connection to our true selves and the loving Source of all creation. We can then feel the joy, freedom, and creativity through expressing ourselves in this wholeness beyond the confining walls of the Ego. 

When we’ve been out of balance for so long, with most of us primarily operating from our Ego consciousness and the overworking masculine mind energy, it can be hard to hear the voice of our Soul, feel our Feminine Energy and honour our body. 

Feminine energy is suppressed as a collective, and as a result, many people live without any awareness that they are out of alignment at all. Anxiety and depression are imbalance symptoms and can be treated through the Soul’s healing space of love and compassion.

How to Integrate More Soul into Your Spiritual Practices

Healing from Toxic Spirituality and Spiritual Bypassing

`1. Notice where you cast judgment. Bring compassion to yourself for judging, and empathize with those you judge.

It is the Ego that judges and the Soul that has compassion and understanding for why you are projecting judgment externally. When we are judgemental towards others, our Ego is protecting some part of ourselves that is hurting. The judgment distracts our mind and prevents us from moving into the heart and body to feel and release the pain buried deep within our energy fields. 

Challenge yourself to bring this compassion to all judgements without exception. 

This doesn’t mean you can move immediately into a place of compassion for someone who behaves in a way that you believe “deserves” judgment. However, our Soul understands there is always more to the story and a bigger picture than what our limited Ego perspective can see.

2. Move into Your Heart & Feel Your Emotions

Our heart is the bridge between our Spiritual and Physical Selves. It is through feeling the depths of our pain hidden behind our Ego self that we can bring the love and understanding of our Souls into our lives. 

Becoming emotionally available to ourselves requires us to get curious about how our Ego seeks to escape discomfort (even through Spiritual practices!). Without judgment, observe the Ego, watch it do whatever it’s going to do, and get curious about what’s going on underneath the distractions. 

A simple practice to start opening your heart and become emotionally available to yourself: 

Place a hand over your heart, gently hug/comfort yourself, and breathe deeply. Visualize a light expanding from your heart and repeat aloud or in your mind, “I am safe, I am loved, and I am strong enough to feel the feelings that don’t feel safe to feel.”

3. Slow Your Breathing & Send Your Breath Down Deep Into the Body

This simple practice is highly effective as it moves the energy of the breath, our life-giving energy, further down into areas of the body that have been deprived. 

Due to our sedentary lifestyles and our minds being in constant “survival,” most people have developed a shallow breathing pattern and operate from their sympathetic nervous system or stress response. When we consciously learn to slow down and regulate our breath deep into our body, we move into the parasympathetic nervous system and turn on the relaxation response. 

From an energetic perspective, when we breathe a shallow breath, we only move the life force energy through our higher chakras, stopping at the heart. When we slow down our breathing, send our breath down and can physically feel the expansion of the breath through the pelvic floor, we pass the life force energy through all our chakras. 

In addition, when women send their breath down through the womb, we bring more awareness and connection to the divine feminine energy and create space for healing the collective feminine wounding. 

A Breathwork Practice for Creating Balance

  • Deep Inhale for 4-6 Seconds: Visualize your heart expanding and your breath moving to the base of your spineTo help expand the depth of your breathing, see your breath like white fog/mist flowing through all lower body openings and moving through your hips, sending relaxation through your upper legs.
  • Hold for 2-4 Seconds: -Staying “in-between” the inhale and exhale. Visualize your wholeness as an “infinity symbol.” See the point of connection through your heart. Above, it circles your higher chakras up to Source Energy; below, it surrounds your lower chakras down to the Earth’s centre. 
  • Full Exhale for 4-6 Seconds: As you expand your breath outwards, visualize sending your conscious awareness up through your crown chakra. It can be helpful to “look up” into the mind to send our focus upwards. With your eyes closed, look up while exhaling. Imagine sending your conscious connection up to Source through your gaze and release of energy through your breath. 

My Soul’s sincerest hope is that through these words, you have found some of the love and support you were looking for to guide you on your spiritual healing journey, 

With so much love, 
Megan xo 

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