Balance the Ego by Healing the Heart

Healing the Ego with the Soul through the Heart Chakra

If you landed on this blog post, you likely have a sense of something bigger than your human self. Maybe it’s your Soul, Higher Self, God, Source, or the Universe. Whatever “title” you believe in is irrelevant; what truly matters is your awareness and connection to something more. Whether we know it or not, we all […]

Breaking Free from the Wounded Power Struggle

Healing wounded masculine and feminine energy. Healing the power struggle between mind and body. Balancing Yin and Yang. Sacred Union, and Unity Consciousness.

We will never feel whole, complete, fulfilled, or satisfied when seeking power outside ourselves. The power struggle between men and women directly relates to the imbalance of masculine and feminine energy within the collective fields.  In the unconscious frequency of perceived powerlessness, we remain fragmented and thus susceptible to control by external forces seeking to […]

Balancing Your Energy to Shift Out Of Survival Consciousness

Surviving to Thriving - Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Discover Inner Union, Harmony, Peace and Freedom

In a world of perceived duality, an illusion where separation seemingly exists, humanity will continue to operate from a frequency of survival. When we use only a fraction of our wholeness, our driving energy will seek to obtain power or control over the “other.” The desire for control and power is an unconscious attempt to […]