Ascending Through the Collective Awakening

As we are ascending through the Collective Awakening, you are encouraged to continue bringing your focus and energy inward to the light of your soul. Your soul will illuminate the path for you as you navigate this journey.

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A Quantum Leap of Consciousness

Throughout history, leaps of consciousness have helped develop society to where we are now. We evolved from living in caves into houses and buildings and discovered electricity, telephones, the internet and wifi. All of these advancements came from information provided to humans through leaps of consciousness. 

The current leap of consciousness differs from the previous shifts we’ve observed; instead of a select few receiving the information to advance our world, this shift is happening internally within our collective psyches. 

My personal understanding and perspective is that this leap is one of healing the illusions of separation. We are releasing humanity from a “3D Earth” into a “5D Earth”.  

The 3D reality is a vibrational frequency where humans operate from a restrictive and programmed state of limitation and control. Some refer to this fear-based programming as the “matrix.” The 5th Dimension is where your physical vibrational frequency is an energetic match to the higher energies of freedom, peace, abundance, health and love. 

Transitioning Through The Fourth Dimension

Ascending through the Collective awakening and elevating from the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimension requires us to first pass through the 4th Dimension. The 4th Dimension can be considered a portal of time where the unconscious becomes conscious at a rapid rate. We become “enlightened” as the shadows of the unconscious move to the surface and truths come to light through awareness.

As we shine a light on the hidden parts of our individual and collective psyches, we always have a choice. We can choose to ascend, releasing our attachments to the lower vibrational sources of fear and control. Or we can continue to fuel the fear by protecting and projecting our unconsciousness. 

Those who choose to do the work to elevate will eventually be free from the prisons of their mind. They will be free from the external control of others.

Allow the Light to Guide You through the Darkness

Humans are controlled by a seemingly “external” force of fear. The matrix operates by sending programs of fear and control for our minds and bodies to consume. It does this through the education system, media, politics, advertisements, and entertainment. As our physical being both emits and absorbs frequencies. After years of absorption, we naturally begin to emit the frequencies we’ve absorbed. We repeat the messages we’ve received into our minds and accept them as truth. Thus, enslaving ourselves and blocking the wisdom and guidance coming from our true soul selves.

This programming directly influences the unconscious “Ego” self.

A common misconception in the Spiritual community is that we must “Transcend” the Ego. It is said we are to rise above it and leave the low vibrational energy parts of ourselves behind. At its core, this mentality is another form of rejecting pieces of yourself. Light, meaning your Soul, does not reject the darkness of the Ego.

It is the Ego that rejects itself.

Our Souls are here to integrate the Ego and bring it back into wholeness with love, compassion and understanding.

When we choose to bring curiosity into what fuels the unconscious, understanding begins.

Use Your Triggers as a Tool to Find Your Hidden Wounds

When someone or something outside of you touches an inner wound, this triggers your Ego’s “fight, flight or freeze” response. You will feel a shift of energy change from within you; anger, sadness, irritation, anxiety, or overwhelm may build in your body. Since we often project our uncomfortable feelings outward, you may notice yourself attempting to change people or external situations.

You will have many personal triggers from traumas that occurred in your life. They will all serve the individual and collective Ego. Healing yourself, meaning bringing understanding and compassion to these energies, will help you accelerate through this awakening. You can check out my post on Healing the Abandonment Wound to dive deeper into this shared trauma.

Much of our programming and inner wounds have been deeply ingrained and indoctrinated within us from childhood. Working with the inner child is critical in our healing and ascension journey. Time is not linear. It is all existing simultaneously. When you use the “now” space to heal your inner child, you heal your energy on all timelines. Past, present and future. 

Let Go

The art of “letting go” can be very challenging, especially for our Ego. Our external attachments to people, food, identities, suffering, coping mechanisms, or material items may have helped us find a false sense of comfort and security in some way. Get curious about what drives these desires. Set the conscious intention to let go of anything that no longer serves your highest growth.

To integrate the “separate” parts of your Ego self into the essence of your Soul, part of the awakening process requires releasing any attachments that keep you stuck in the illusion of separation and control. 

You must choose to let go.

Letting go doesn’t mean rejecting parts of yourself or anyone you love; letting go means you choose to operate from a higher frequency of love. 

As you elevate in consciousness, you will be able to observe how the Ego uses attachments to keep you feeling “safe” rather than “free.” Each time you let go, you bring the external forces of the Ego into the internal power of your Soul.

Becoming TRUE to YOU

You may be awakening to the truth that you changed who you are to be accepted by family, friends, or society. It may be becoming crystal clear that you can no longer do that without sacrificing your happiness. 

Or you may have allowed yourself to accept actions or behaviours from the ones you love in an attempt to love and be loved. Now you can see the truth that you cannot love yourself and by allowing that energy to influence yours.

With our attention focused outward, most of us have developed some type of coping mechanism to deal with the discomfort of trying to fit into a broken world. To free yourself, your Soul calls for you to bring all the fractured pieces of the wounded personality mind back into wholeness and love.

To do this, you must feel the discomfort of the pain that caused you to mask your authentic self.

In the discomfort, you can learn the lessons you are here to learn. When you are in the deep, raw, to the core of your being emotion, the Ego has nowhere left to hide. When there is no more darkness for it to turn to, the energy can finally surrender. In this place of surrender, the fractured pieces of the wounded personality mind can then be invited and integrated back into light, love and wholeness. 

Tap into the Soul Frequencies of Unconditional Love and Compassion

The most important thing to remember is to hold love and compassion for yourself. It doesn’t matter where you are in your healing, what you’ve done in the past, or the mistakes you will undoubtedly make again – meeting yourself with compassion is the path forward. 

It can be helpful to know that healing happens like a spiral, and awakening happens in layers. There is no one “Spiritual Awakening” marking the end of your learning. The path is full of awakenings, each bringing you deeper into truth and expanding your awareness further into the light.

You will continue to meet challenges you thought you had overcome. Your Ego response will be frustration or resistance to moving deeper because you thought you already “healed” through this. Give yourself some extra love and compassion when you feel this resistance. As you do so, you will provide your Ego with an invitation to integrate back into light.

The more you can meet yourself with love, kindness, compassion and non-judgement, the more space you create for your Soul to lead the way.


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