Balancing Your Energy to Shift Out Of Survival Consciousness

Surviving to Thriving - Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Discover Inner Union, Harmony, Peace and Freedom

In a world of perceived duality, an illusion where separation seemingly exists, humanity will continue to operate from a frequency of survival. When we use only a fraction of our wholeness, our driving energy will seek to obtain power or control over the “other.” The desire for control and power is an unconscious attempt to fill the empty void inside ourselves. We can only fill this space when we see that we are never separate from the Source of Love and the feeling of “Oneness” we seek outside ourselves. We stop seeking power over each other when we discover our Source of power comes from within.

When we reawaken to the knowledge that we’ve never been separate from Source/God/Love/Oneness, we begin to embody the frequency of thriving in human form. We thrive as we reconnect with our wholeness: Left and Right brain, Masculine and Feminine, Mind and Body, Ego and Spirit. These energies are magnetized to each other, complement each other, and are divinely designed to work in harmony and union with each other. They are all One.

In remembering our wholeness, we break free from the human limitations and survival-based frequencies of fear and control and shift into the soul-based thriving frequencies of love, freedom and flow.

Shifting your energy will also naturally create ripple effects of healing, remembrance, libration and love for your closest loved ones, family members and friends. From there, the love multiplies and flows like waves through your community, city, state, province, and country. This love will continue to expand outward, supporting the transcendence of human consciousness. 

Masculine Survival Frequency – Fight/Flight

Masculine energy is like a shield of protection, and the internal drive to “fight” is a survival-based energy that has served a great purpose in the safety and progression of humanity. We are at this point in our evolution because of the primal instinct to fight for survival. 

As we are collectively out of balance, the energy of “fighting for survival” has hijacked our minds to the point where even a single thought can trigger the survival response within our energy fields.

When fighting seems unlikely to be successful, the alternative is to run/flee/take flight. In circumstances where we need to protect ourselves and loved ones, this serves a tremendous purpose. However, without the healing wisdom of the Soul, our Ego mind has taken the fear of processing emotional pain and turned it into a significant threat that we must run and hide from.

Simple Healing Practices for Balancing Excess Masculine Energy

Surviving to Thriving - Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Discover Inner Union, Harmony, Peace and Freedom

You can invite the “divine feminine” healing power into your frequency to balance the overactive masculine survival energy. The overworking mind and Ego desperately need this sacred space of compassion, understanding, and unconditional love in order to release control and feel safe to rest.

Turn Inward for Self-Reflection

  • What recurring thoughts/emotions/events trigger your fight or flight response?
  • Reflect on your physical relationship with the masculine essence: 
  • How comfortable are you around men?
  • Do you look men in the eye/smile at them? 
  • Do you feel threatened by men? 
  • Do you try to prove your worth/assert your dominance when in the presence of men?

Connect with Your Body

Rather than allowing your overworking mind to override the body, allow your body to communicate with you. Where do you feel pain/tightness/tension? 

Send your breath and movement there. Breathe, stretch, massage and release. 

Unprocessed stress/trauma becomes stored in the body as excess weight, tight muscles (especially the neck, shoulders, and hips) or other physical ailments. Focusing on connecting with your body while processing unhealed stress and trauma will support the release of dense energy trapped within your physical and emotional body.

Connect with the Comfort of the Divine Mother

Visualize yourself resting and being held, appreciated and loved in the comforting, warm embrace of the Divine Mother. She will nourish your mind, body, heart and spirit. Even if you do not have an empathic, loving, or nurturing mother in the physical, your essence is never disconnected from the love of the Divine Mother. If you are disconnected from your ability to visualize or feel this connection, place your hands over your heart and bring your attention to your third eye chakra to help re-activate this intuitive gift.

Disconnecting from the digital world and allowing yourself to connect with Mother Earth is another way to connect. Walking barefoot can help to ground your energy deep into Mother Nature’s healing Energy.

Allow Yourself to Rest

Rest is hard for so many of us; we either don’t allow ourselves to rest or don’t know how to enjoy rest. You may be able to relax your body on the couch, but your mind has to stay busy with your phone/TV. The mind may have difficulty resting, primarily because the collective overworking energy dominates it.

Your mind works hard for you, always trying to keep you safe and protected from pain. Breathe deep into your belly, fully expanding your lungs, ribs and diaphragm. Send loving, compassionate thoughts to your mind. You don’t need your mind to tell your body to breathe. Just breathe. When the mind gets busy, send it love and breathe. Again, and again, and again. 

As you continue to focus on your breath, lovingly tell your mind it doesn’t have to work so hard. If you find this especially difficult, get curious about why your mind must be on hyper-alert, working so hard to protect you. 

Feminine Survival Energy – Freeze

Many women and mothers today are disconnected from their innate wisdom and ability to be compassionate, nurturing, and intuitively connected in their relationship with themselves, their children, the masculine, and other women. In this current world, the feminine remains stuck in a place of hiding or a paralyzed “freeze” of her naturally flowing feminine energy. 

As the receiver, the feminine energy has been wounded and suppressed through various measures to extinguish her divine inner power. While hiding, frozen in fear, seems like an unlikely way to survive, the reemergence of the divine feminine shows that this survival mechanism has served its purpose. This energy has been preserved, buried deep within the body, subconscious mind, and wisdom within the womb.

Restoring the Trust and Connection by Connecting with the Divine Masculine Within

Surviving to Thriving - Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Discover Inner Union, Harmony, Peace and Freedom

Instead of looking to be “saved” by the wounded masculine (waiting for someone or something outside of ourselves to improve our lives/make us feel whole), we can call on the support, protection and stability of our inner divine masculine energy to help us ground and anchor the empowered feminine into power in this time and space. 

Divine Protection

Today’s society does not represent the divine masculine energy that naturally desires to protect the feminine. As a result, humanity as a collective has placed a shield of protection around their hearts. This “protective” barrier only keeps the healing flow of feminine energy restricted and closed off from the world. 

To remove the walls around your heart, allow yourself to feel the divine masculine energy holding all of you, mind, body, and spirit, in a space of unconditional love and protection. 

You may imagine this as a father or other masculine figure looking into your eyes, deep into your Soul and encouraging you with loving statements such as;

  • You are safe to be yourself.
  • You are safe to rest. 
  • You are safe to be seen. 
  • You are safe to be heard. 
  • You are safe to be you. 
  • You are safe to love. 
  • You are safe to be loved.
  • YOU ARE LOVED, just as you are. 

Surviving to Thriving - Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Discover Inner Union, Harmony, Peace and Freedom

Ground into Sacred Stability

Our perceptions of safety, security, and stability have become distorted through the constructed belief systems that resources necessary for our survival, such as money, food, water, housing, and love, are limited. 

Reflecting on these questions can help you better understand your inner relationship with the “masculine” structures of support and stability.

  • What did home feel like growing up? Did you feel safe/secure/supported there?
  • Were you able to rest as a child?
  • Were you safe to be seen, loved, and cared for just for being you? 

You can anchor into this reality by grounding yourself in the present moment. You are no longer a helpless, dependent child. You are a grown, empowered adult who can change your life wherever you see fit. You have a tremendous Source of strength and power within you. Allow life to teach you that the distorted feeling of “home” in the survival frequency does not reflect the Universe’s supportive structures and unlimited resources available to you.

Intuitively Guided Focused Action

The masculine and feminine aspects of the brain operate in different ways. The “masculine” left portion of the brain functions in a rational and linear focused thinking pattern, whereas the “feminine” right component operates from an open-ended, intuitive and feeling type of thought pattern.

Critical thinking skills and the ability to trust in the intuitive wisdom from within are necessary to break free from external influences that control your linear thinking mind and overwhelm, distract and suppress your emotional and intuitive feeling mind.

This is the path that has been tactfully designed for you...

Go to school, get a job, make money, buy a house, get married, have kids, make more money, go on vacations, be happy. And if you’re unhappy? Watch this, buy this, do this, fix this, take this, eat this, don’t eat this, change this. 

By directing one aspect of the brain and rejecting the importance of utilizing the other part completely, you create a society that can be controlled.

A world that doesn’t hold space or encourage the left side of the brain to express its creativity, intuitive gifts, and imagination restricts humans from discovering their power to create and walk their own paths. 

To break free from the survival path, and shift into the frequency of thriving, you must discover the gifts your Soul intended for you to embody and walk the course of your own design. 

To start balancing the right and left sides of the brain, we first need to activate and strengthen the “feminine” energy. Begin expressing your creativity, explore your imagination, and visualize what would genuinely light you up to be doing every day if time and money were no object. Feel the joy and pleasure of creative expression and imaginative thought.

If your open-ended right-side brain becomes overwhelmed with all the possibilities or tasks required to start manifesting this path for yourself, call in the focus of the left-side brain and bring your attention to the present moment. Focus on one thought, one idea, one task, one feeling, one step at a time. Move forward with one foot in front of the other to start walking the path of your own design.

My sincerest wish and desire for this soulful expression is to spark the light of remembrance of the power you hold within you.

With so much love, 
Megan xo 

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