Finding Your Light in The Darkness

You may be having a hard time remaining positive amongst all the chaos and pain that seems to be going on in the world today. You’re not alone in feeling this way, but it is from this space that you can find your light in the darkness.

I want to remind you that LOVE is stronger than fear.

As the vibrations of love rise across our planet, the fear bubbles up to the surface in an attempt to gain control and remain in power. It’s easy to get sucked in when all you can see, hear or think about is the fear of our human race.

I’m feeling called to share that it is okay to protect yourself from this fear…you can change the channel or switch the conversation; it does NOT mean that you don’t care. You can send love and positive intentions into the world while still feeling joy in your own heart.

What you see happening with all the devastation, fear and destruction continuously fed to you by the media is an attempt to keep the world controlled by fear rather than moving into love.

Every media outlet attempts to suck us back in by playing the same fears on repeat. While people are watching, the visions of fear and hatred are settling deep into their subconscious minds, trying to convince them that they are unsafe.

Transmuting Energy, healing pain into power, awakening to love. #healing #energy #transmutingenergy #chakra #heartchakra #strength #loveoverfear #lightinthedark

As above, so below. As within, so without.

In my personal Universe, each time I moved into fear instead of retreating or resisting, I began to gain more strength and power within me. And as I began to raise my vibration to higher frequencies, moving further into love, the unhealed fearful parts of myself felt triggered and would emerge from the shadows.

Once I became conscious of their hidden operations and control, I could shine a light and begin healing. No longer did my fear have the power. I found the TRUE untouchable power hidden underneath the darkness.

Many years ago, my natural reactions to pain, fear and discomfort were one of two things.

1. Avoid any uncomfortable feelings by numbing myself with distractions in an attempt to escape. (Excess comfort foods, mindless scrolling, alcohol, drugs, impulsive spending, toxic relationships etc.)

2. Become consumed by fear. Feeling powerless to the chaos and darkness, I would feed into it with overwhelm, helplessness, and hopelessness. My entire essence became clouded and weighed down by fear.

Maybe you can recognize these reactions in yourself at times, or have observed them from the people around you?

If so, practice compassion for yourself and others. This reaction is normal, as it is how we have been programmed to deal with (or rather, fuel) the fear in our world.

Here’s where it gets exciting. You have the power to clear the programming and conditioning you were indoctrinated with from a very young age.

The mental conditioning that told you that you’re not strong enough to feel the fear is not only the biggest lie you’ve ever been told, it’s also what is holding you back from living a life of true freedom and fulfillment.

The absolute truth is that you can transmute fear into light. You can use fear to elevate your consciousness and our consciousness as a collective into a more peaceful, loving, and liberating way of living.

This transmutation can begin when you truly look at and acknowledge fear for what it is. You have the power to decide right here and right now to stop running, stop being controlled, and stop being consumed by fear.

The power to choose something different.

The power to believe in yourself.

You have the power to choose love.

Ask for the support of Love, Light, God, Universe, and Source Energy to help you find the strength to sit with the darkness. Move into the fear and heal any hurt scared parts of yourself. Open your heart to learning the lessons you are here to learn from your pain. Discover your beautiful inner light in the darkness.

This practice alone will begin to change your life.

Create space to connect with all parts of yourself, the light and the dark. Take your time to grieve, feel the sadness, and shower your entire being with healing white light.

You alone may not be able to change the world around you. But each time you turn inward to ask for love, support, healing and compassion for yourself, you are helping to raise the vibrations of love for all of humanity.

When you raise your personal vibration, you begin to radiate more peace and love into the world naturally. 

The world NEEDS you right now. We need your love.

The time is now for us as a collective to wake up, start healing and step fully into love.

Quiet down the fear and illusion from the outside world.

Look inside to find the ultimate truth that love is what is real.

Find your light in the darkness.

Megan xo

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