We will never feel whole, complete, fulfilled, or satisfied when seeking power outside ourselves. The power struggle between men and women directly relates to the imbalance of masculine and feminine energy within the collective fields.
In the unconscious frequency of perceived powerlessness, we remain fragmented and thus susceptible to control by external forces seeking to gain power over us. When you choose to break free of the projection and protection cycle, you break free from the chains of limitation and liberate your soul.
A Chained Society

In today’s society, it is evident that most human beings are overworked, unappreciated, unseen, and disconnected from their true essence.
Unsurprisingly, this leads to frustration, burnout, resentment, and anger. Instead of getting to the root of the issue by connecting with our inner world, we are programmed to project our discontent onto the “other.”
Without moving inward to heal and bring the energy of love, understanding and compassion through our unique point of reference, we fall victim to seemingly well-intentioned but misaligned movements that perpetuate this wounded cycle.
Power struggles and manifestations of division, be it through racial injustices, cultural inequalities, or political and religious agendas, originate from the more significant imbalance of masculine and feminine energy.
This imbalance creates a disconnect between our mind and body, inner and outer worlds, and the physical and spiritual self.
It’s important to note that men and women have both masculine and feminine energy, which are unrelated to gender specifically. You can think of these as energetic poles within us. From conception, we are all born through the combined energy of the masculine and the feminine, through the mother and father.
The Wounded Patriarchy
There is a lot of talk about it being a “man’s” world. It’s essential to understand that the patriarchal world is not necessarily the issue. It’s that it is a wounded patriarchal world.
Patriarchal leadership in and of itself has led to many benefits and advancements in the infrastructures of society as a whole. The problem is without the balance of healthy, empowered energy of compassion, introspection, healing, connection, rest, love, and understanding; the overworking “masculine” energy is fueled by greed, competition, material possessions, and external status without authentic fulfilment or purpose.
With the dominating masculine energy out of balance, the feminine energy has become suppressed, abused, neglected, and disrespected.
A few examples include;
- The mind (masculine) abuses, overworks, criticizes and punishes the body (feminine). This may manifest as overindulging, under-resting, desensitizing and over-medicating.
- The feminine seeks to gain power in a masculine energy-dominant world by rejecting her feminine essence and stepping further into the masculine. Many women have abandoned their innate nurturing and intuitive abilities to seek validation through overworking for social or financial status, unconscious of the more profound desire to be seen and accepted.
- As a whole, we are disconnected from our emotions and connection with ourselves. The overworking masculine mind seeks an immediate solution to escape discomfort without utilizing the feminine energy to create space for healing and processing uncomfortable feelings.
The Feminine Essence is Needed to Restore Balance
Mainstream movements can distract us from our inner longing to restore balance through agendas that strip everyone of their power. Some initiatives promote women to move further into their “overworking” masculine energy and attempt to emasculate men by removing their voices and unique perspectives from the discussion.
As soon as you take away someone’s power to have a voice in the conversation because of their different perspective or stance on the matter, it is clear this is a wounded power struggle.
Tired of feeling emasculated and absent of the divine feminine presence, the masculine may bite their tongues but cast their anger and aggression in other ways. If they do speak, they may come from a place of feeling as if their “back is up against the wall,” resulting in hateful, violent language that projects hurt onto the feminine, the very same energy they desperately need, desire and crave.
As the wounded men and women fight with each other regarding these matters, they don’t realize they fall further into the control and powerlessness of the overworked, oppressed and voiceless society.
Unconsciously, many men’s and women’s rights agendas, as they currently operate, promote the belief that you will gain power by reducing the strength and control of the “other.” When we meet each other from a place of pain, the wounds and feelings of powerlessness do the talking.
Instead of hoping someone will finally see and understand our pain so that we can be fixed and saved, the path to change is to see, understand, and save ourselves. We become free of this suffering by bringing self-love, emotional availability, and compassion toward ourselves.
Projections of Imbalance
On a surface level, the wounded power struggle commonly manifests and is projected through the feminine energy being stripped of her power by objectification and suppression. In contrast, the masculine can be stripped of his power through emasculation, causing this energy to overwork to regain or maintain control.
Objectification reduces the feminine essence to a “thing” that brings desire, satisfaction and pleasure to the masculine energy and external world. This can be projected and perpetuated through using the physical body to gain power and status in a superficial, desensitized and disconnected way.
Objectification occurs in both men and women. While both experience the pain of this reduction of power, women will feel this projection on a deep level as they have self-abandoned their divine expression and feminine essence.
While we often think of objectification as being sexual, it extends into the image of only being seen as “useful” or “valuable” for one thing; rather than being witnessed for our “wholeness.” This may manifest as the role of an individual reduced to only being the caretaker, parent, housekeeper, cook, billpayer etc.
Emasculation means to be made weak and deprived of masculine strength, power and identity. As a result of being stripped of the empowered masculine and absent of the divine feminine energy of rest, the collective energies are operating from a frequency of overworking in the wounded masculine. This looks like endlessly chasing the dangling carrot of “power” that hovers just out of reach, exhausting yourself in the process.
In the relationship dynamic, emasculation is commonly perpetuated through the feminine using her wounded masculine energy to direct her instinct to “mother.” Rather than using the empowered mothering archetype to nurture, protect and guide from a space of unconditional love, compassion and acceptance, she may “over-mother” to control and disempower.
The man in the relationship may step back and accept his role as a “child” in his “mother’s” control, resulting in a “parentified” relationship dynamic rather than an equal partnership. Alternatively, he may overwork himself to fight for his masculine power against the wounded feminine energy.
This painful cycle impacts us all, regardless of gender. In these manifestations of the typical relationship dynamics, both men and women are void of their divine power and fall into the wounded power play of projecting the wounded masculine and feminine energies onto the other.
How to Break Free of the Power Struggle
Healing the pain of believing you are powerless and that your strength lies outside of yourself is required to break free of this power struggle. The battle must first be resolved within you; between your mind and body, masculine and feminine, inner child and inner parent, Ego and Soul.
Through internal exploration, you’ll discover freedom as you untangle yourself from the conditioned beliefs indoctrinated into your subconscious mind since childhood. As a child, you were powerless, and dependent on the adults around you for survival. The heartbreaking reality is that many children are raised in a society of unhealed parents who unintentionally project their unresolved power struggles and wounding onto the “weaker” child.
Childhood was a process of slowly forgetting who you are in order to fit into the broken world. Adulthood is an opportunity to remember who you are, break free of the limitations of a wounded world, and create a new one.
As an adult, you hold the power.
By living in alignment with your inner truth, and formulating your own thoughts and opinions about the ideologies passed down through your family lines, a broken education system, corrupt political leaders, mainstream media and fear-driven divisive religions, you create a shift in consciousness.
Change doesn’t occur instantly on the physical plane. It happens first with thought and manifests into form through the movement of energy. Of course, this single blog post can only scratch the surface of how deeply ingrained this power struggle operates in our subconscious minds. Here are a few questions for self-reflection and actions you can integrate to help you liberate your energy from this restrictive cycle.
Invitations for Self Reflection
Reflect on Relationship Dynamics
- What was your relationship between your mother and father like? Did they display any evidence of this wounded power struggle?
- What is your relationship with your spouse or previous partners like? In what ways does this mirror the connection between your parents? Do you see or feel any of this power struggle at play?
- What is your non-romantic relationship with women like?
- What is your non-romantic relationship with men like?
- How do you feel your energy shifts around masculine vs feminine energy?
What Triggers Your “Me” Story?
What triggers you to move into your “me” story? Your triggers are invitations to move inward and process a trapped emotion in your body. Using triggers as opportunities for healing can help you to break free from the limitations placed upon you. Notice when you start to feel pulled into a power struggle and project your pain to protect your energy. Rather than judging yourself, or continuing to project your pain outwards, get curious about what’s going on underneath. Breathe deeply, disconnect from the noise of the outside world, and set the intention to connect with yourself beyond this time and space.
- Do you remember when you felt like this in childhood?
- When was the first time you can remember feeling this pain underneath the trigger?
- Did you feel like you had any power in the situation?
- As an empowered adult, is there anything you could say to this version of you that’s feeling powerless and hurt?
To support you in connecting with your inner child, I invite you to integrate the “Inner Child Soul Session” into your spiritual healing practice.
Actions for Integration
Cultivate Empathy & Compassion
Slowly and patiently work to bring more empathy and compassion to your overworking mind, self-judgements, challenges, and aspects of yourself that you perceive as flawed. When you notice judging messages towards yourself and others, rather than try to “fight them,” offer a loving thought. It feels good to be kind to yourself and in doing so you express the feminine energy needed to create balance. Bringing kindness, empathy and compassion towards yourself expands your ability to also hold others in this loving space.
Open Up to Heart Led-Communication
Heart-led communication requires vulnerability, which is a challenge to embody when we’re conditioned to believe that vulnerability equals weakness. This is especially true for men.
We move beyond our pain story when we open our hearts to heartache. Processing this pain allows us to cut directly through the Ego and speak directly to the heart and souls of those we are communicating with. Through this empowered and conscious space, effective healing communication can occur.
From my heart to yours, I send you love and strength. I trust these words have landed somewhere deep in your soul and stirred up the energy required to heal, reclaim your divine power and create transformational change.
With so much love,
Megan xo
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