7 Simple Tips for Staying Grounded and Present Through the Holidays

Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning

Enjoy the Season to the fullest by Staying Grounded and Present Through The Holidays

“Everything is going to be just perfect!” is what I would tell myself as I mapped out my holiday plans every year.

Of course, the holidays are usually fantastic, and I’m beyond grateful for the magic and connection this time of year brings, but it was never the PERFECTION I imagined in my mind.

I’d forget a card on the counter, forget to pick up just one ingredient for a dessert, my husband might have a crisis happen at work, or my family would get on my nerves. In my “picture perfect” image of the holidays, none of this would happen, of course!

Are you a perfectionist too? Do you feel the extra pressure around the holidays to ensure everything is “picture perfect”? If so, practicing these simple tips to stay grounded and present through the holidays will help you savour every perfectly imperfect moment the season brings. 

1. Staying Grounded and Present Through the Holidays with Gratitude

It can be so easy to shift into a lack-based mindset when you are thinking about all of the things you need to buy and all of the things you need to do. A lot of us get so wrapped up in stuff that we forget about what’s important. 

It’s okay to want more and to want to give more, but don’t forget about what you already have. To stay grounded and present, every night before you go to sleep, express your gratitude for three things big or small. It could be something that went well for you in the last 24 hours, a person, an experience, or a feeling; whatever feels right for you. This isn’t about practicing fake gratitude; it’s about really seeing and saying thank you for how abundant and blessed you already are. If you have a bed to sleep in, hot water, and food in your fridge, you are living the life of someone else’s dream. 

2. Enjoy the Deliciousness of Holiday Food

What is the point of eating all the yummy food if you swallow down guilt and shame with every bite? To stay grounded and present, enjoy your food! Stop punishing yourself with the thoughts of “I’m going to gain so much weight, I’ll work out/diet in the New Year,” and ENJOY. I have found that those negative thoughts not only ruin your experience but also lead to self-sabotaging behaviours like over-eating without even enjoying it! 

3. Make TIME Work for YOU

This might sound a bit woo-woo, but you can manipulate time to make it work for you. Have you ever noticed when you’re running late, you’re racing against the clock, and then you get stuck in traffic and hit every red light – time feels like it’s fleeting? What about when you’re waiting for an appointment, you’ve been in the waiting room for 20 minutes, and it feels like forever? The 20-minute drive to work vs. the 20-minutes in the waiting room can feel very different, all based on your thoughts about the experience.

Albert Einstein came up with the idea that we can manipulate time with our thoughts, and he was a genius, so why not try it out? 

Instead of feeling flustered and continuously checking the time while shopping or prepping dinner, get grounded by telling yourself, “I have exactly enough time to get everything that I need to get done.” Do this every time you start feeling overwhelmed, and this will start to become your new normal. I have practiced this myself, and I promise you, it works! 

4. Remember That Money FLOWS

Money is a neutral resource that is always flowing, and it likes to flow freely. Your thoughts, attitudes, and energy around money will directly impact how money interacts with you. If you believe that you have to hold onto every dollar because you don’t have enough, you are not giving money the freedom it needs to flow. If you have a cringy feeling every time you swipe your card when buying gifts, it’s time to improve your relationship with money.

Changing your money story often takes a lot of inner work and healing, but you can start right now by visualizing money as a little spark of light. Whenever you swipe your card or spend your cash, envision that little spark of light leaving your hand freely, and know it will come back shining even brighter. If you’re interested in changing your money story, check out my Holistic Manifesting Meditation Collection.

5. Breathe

Take a few minutes to focus on your breathing every day. You can place your hands on your belly to help you. A big full fresh breath in, a deep, heavy exhale out. Feel your lungs filling up and deflating fully. Thoughts will most likely come up, but that’s fine, the purpose is not to stop thinking, it’s to learn how to direct the focus to your breath. Notice the thought, and focus on your inhales and exhales. A good starting point would be to practice breathing mindfully for ten full breaths in and out. With time, this will help you become more present and grounded in day-to-day life.

6. Protect Your Energy

The holidays are an excellent time to connect with family, but sometimes as much as you love them, some family members can be energetically and emotionally exhausting. If you know you will be around family that drains you, make sure to protect your energy before getting together. To get grounded, take a few moments to close your eyes and connect with your breath. Visualize a white light coming in through the top of your head and filling up your whole body. Allow this light to extend beyond your physical being to create a “bubble” or “shield” of white light around you.

7. Practice Compassion.

The holidays can be an exciting time, but they can also be a very stressful and painful time for some. You never know what somebody is going through, so before you judge the grumpy cashier or mom snapping at her kids running around in the mall, try to practice compassion. Also, practice compassion for yourself. You are most likely even harder on yourself than you are on others. Remember, you are doing a great job, and we are all doing our best. 

Have a fabulous, grounded, and present holiday season.

You deserve it.

Megan xo

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Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning
Tips for staying grounded and present during the holidays #mindfulness #healingholiday #energy #present #holiday #grounded #spiritualholidayplanning

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