8 Healing Practices to Restore the Divine Feminine in Motherhood

These simple yet powerful healing practices are for the mother embarking on the beautiful, challenging, messy, and rewarding journey of motherhood.

Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for the love, connection and quality of relationships you have with anyone else, especially your family, partner and children.

Balancing your energy through deep soul-level healing is the key to honouring the divine feminine energy within you and raising children in an environment that fosters a healthy sense of self-love and self-esteem. As a mother heals her energy and repairs her relationship with herself, she also breaks cycles of generational trauma and clears ancestral karma within her family line.

With the current demands of motherhood, it’s become too easy for moms to step into their masculine energy and push aside their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self-care. Unfortunately, our unconscious and wounded world perceives this overworked and “selfless” mother as admirable.

The energetic imbalance of the divine feminine mother who suppresses her natural maternal instincts impacts our collective energy. Many modern-day mothers unconsciously abandon themselves and their intuition while absorbing the judgement and shoulds that funnel through the imbalanced masculine energy-dominated world.

As a result of the unrealistic demands placed on the family structure, children suffer from mental health issues unlike ever before. Healing the divine feminine mother is the source and starting point of changing the mental health and wellness of our children, families and future generations.

While raising children requires sacrifice and selflessness, women cannot meet the many demands of motherhood while running on empty. A mother living out of alignment with her feminine energy will feel rushed, exhausted and overwhelmed. She may also resent her partner, men, or life in general without fully understanding why.

The balanced and healed feminine embodied mother radiates love from the infinite stream that flows through her in abundance. It is an extension of the love she feels for herself.

The natural state of feminine energy is “being”. By simply “being”, the divine feminine has the power to heal herself and others through unconditional love. These healing practices will support you in dropping into your body, moving into your heart space and being with your feminine essence.

Healing Practices to Restore the Divine Feminine in Motherhood

Open Your Heart to the Mirror

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

Every person you meet is a mirror reflection of some part of yourself, and each trigger or heavy emotional response you experience is an opportunity for healing. Your children will often mirror the deepest unhealed parts of your inner landscape. You have as much to learn from your children as they have to learn from you. Knowing this will help you understand the lessons your soul chose to learn through motherhood.

From our human lens of awareness, it can be hard to comprehend the soul contracts we’ve made with our children. In many cases, the souls of our children could be more evolved than our own. Open your heart, and lovingly set the intention to receive the lessons your children have to teach.

Connect with the Divine Inner Child

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

Before bed, first thing in the morning, or with your coffee or tea, breathe a few deep cleansing breaths and visualize your younger self. In your mind’s eye, ask her how she’s doing and if she needs anything from you. Sit with her and invite her to share her feelings about her connection with her (your) mother. You could ask these questions to get started;

What did you need from your mother?
Did you feel like your mother needed things from you?
Did you sense that your mother loved herself?

Did your sense that your mother loved you unconditionally?
When did your mother show you love?

Many women carry a mother wound inherited from their family lineage and the collective feminine psyche. This wound brings the pain of the hidden, rejected and suppressed divine feminine energy.

Most of us also carry a father wound, which profoundly impacts our connection with our feminine energy and the divine masculine energy of safety, stability, and support. For this article, I’ve chosen to focus on the mother as she mirrors our relationship with the divine feminine mother. I will write more about healing mother and father wounds in the future.

Connecting with your inner child is especially useful when you feel intense or overwhelming emotions. Making space to move into your heart during these times will help clarify how your inner child’s needs and fears influence your energy. Check out my Connect with the Inner Child Soul Session to help you open your channel and connect with your inner child.

Connect with Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

There is a version of you who has healed through everything you are currently moving through; the fully embodied divine feminine woman. You can connect with this version of yourself by calling on your Higher Self anytime for guidance, wisdom and encouragement. Creating this space for spiritual connection is a beautiful practice to honour your feminine intuition and allow yourself to rest in the infinite support of the divine.

Each of us also has a unique team of Spirit Guides to support us in the human experience of ascension. These guides can consist of ancestors, ascended masters, angels, or spirit animals. They are here to help you

I’ve channelled the Connect with Your Higher Self and Meet Your Spirit Guides Soul Sessions to support you in developing and strengthening these divine connections.

Practice Feeling and Expressing the Energy of Compassion

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

The most healing thing you can do in any relationship, especially the relationship you have with yourself, is to bring the divine feminine energy of compassion. As mothers, we often focus on keeping it together for our children and don’t notice what’s happening in our energy until we’re fully depleted. When you are normally patient, present and compassionate with your children but get frustrated over seemingly “normal” tasks and challenges, this is a clear sign that you need more patience, presence and compassion towards yourself.

Allow yourself to rest and be held in the loving energy of compassion. If you struggle to rest in this energy, sit with that instead.

Just BE with the feeling, whatever it may be. 

Compassion, resistance, exhaustion, frustration – let it be, without judgment.

Then, with a gentle breath, focus on your heart space. Call on the guidance and perspective of your Higher Self and Soul to continue to carry you along your way.

Practice Simple Movement, Meditation and Mindfulness

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

Movement is how we release the free-flowing healing energy of the divine feminine within us. Trapped emotions become dense energies within our physical bodies that weigh us down and restrict our movement. This can manifest through tight muscles, excess weight, achy joints or other physical ailments. To release tension, tightness and trauma from the body, I lovingly encourage you to move in a way that aligns with your energy. Some ideas include dancing, stretching, yoga, nature walks, running, and deep-core breathing.

Meditation doesn’t have to be a thing you “should” be doing. You can meditate almost anywhere; leave the masculine energy of structure behind and create a practice that aligns with your soft free flowing feminine energy. Meditation can be walking without your phone and listening to the sound of your feet as you walk. Notice how many thoughts your mind creates on that walk if it feels aligned. You could listen to a guided meditation if you’d rather have something to help you focus your energy.

To start or deepen your practice, check out my Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul Healing and Holistic Manifesting Meditation Collections.

Practicing mindfulness is an opportunity to ground your energy and bring more of your senses and sensuality into everyday activities. Notice the sensations of the hot water in the shower as it hits your skin. Fully enjoy the flavours of your favourite treat. Feel held and supported by the comfort of your bed as you slide in for the night.

Pay Attention to Your Dreams

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

Your dreams hold tremendous information about what needs your attention in waking life. Dreams are also deeply connected to your sense of intuition. If you don’t remember your dreams, that’s okay – be open to the possibility that you are now someone who does.

To start remembering your dreams, set the intention out loud before you go to bed.  You can say, “I will remember the details of my dreams when I wake up.”  Do this for several nights until you have one you remember.

The next time you remember your dream, write out any details you recall on a notepad beside your bed or in a document on your phone. The more you do this, no matter how ridiculous the dream seems, the more details you will begin to recall from your dreams regularly. As you remember more of your dreams, you will see connections to your waking life and further develop your intuitive senses.

When you have an emotionally charged dream, in addition to the details of the dream, write out the emotions you felt, and reflect on where you’ve felt those emotions in your waking life. Unlocking buried energy within the subconscious mind is a powerful healing tool that will rapidly assist you on your journey.

Connect through Writing

Simple and Powerful Healing Practices for Conscious Mothers

Some people enjoy journaling daily, while others feel called to write when seeking clarity in a noisy mind. It doesn’t matter how often or how you choose to journal (paper, computer, notepad in your phone etc.); writing down your thoughts and emotions is an excellent way to deepen the connection with your feminine soul. Writing requires you to slow down your mind and connect with your feelings and thoughts.

In this calm, slow space, you can discover the intuitive wisdom and answers to the questions you seek within your body and heart; beyond the limitations of the mind.

Here are some journal prompts you could use for reflection and inspiration;

As a child, I imagined I would be a mother who would…
My childhood home felt…
Something that I’ve always wanted more than anything is…
Something that was important to me as a child and is still important to me now...
When I was a child, I longed for my father/mother to…
The greatest lesson I’ve learned/am learning through motherhood is…
I’ve noticed I feel out of alignment/overwhelmed in my role as a mother when I…

Express Your Creativity

Creative energy lives within all of us, but it flows the strongest in the divine feminine incarnation of a woman. The natural female body is a physical portal between the spiritual and physical worlds, divinely designed to create life through the energy of the womb. Whether a woman can conceive or chooses to have children, it is deeply nourishing and healing for the feminine soul to utilize the power of her womb and create.

Painting, singing, drawing, writing, designing, cooking, baking, crafting – possibilities are abundant for you to express your deep feminine desires to create. Explore a variety of creative outlets and see what feels most aligned with your soul. To amplify the healing power of this practice, you can create a sacred sensual loving space for yourself. Listen to relaxing or uplifting music, enjoy your favourite drink or snack, or light a candle.

A woman who has been leading from their masculine energy may be quick to focus on the outcome (have to get it done), the usefulness of time (not enough time to do something that feels good), or how it can benefit you on a superficial level (making money, changing a career, gaining attention to boost your confidence etc.) If you notice these patterns in yourself, invite your feminine energy to step forward and support you in the healing practice of creation.

Often we can’t see our impact through our healing work, and it’s easy to discredit ourselves as the world teaches us to strive for immediate results and tangible gratification to feel accomplished.

When you consciously decide to heal your relationship with yourself, many remarkable and beautiful changes occur within and beyond the family structure. Committing to the path of love creates healing ripples that support a vibrational shift for all of humanity.

Thank you for being part of this shift and for all the brave, beautiful inner work you do.

Love, Megan

Request Guidance & Healing

Move deeper into the infinite guidance that your Higher Self, Spirit Team and Inner Child offer you as you navigate this human experience.

Connect with Your Higher Self
Meet Your Spirit Guides
Connect with Your Inner Child

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Awakening and Healing Through Motherhood. #gratefulmom #motherslove
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Awakening and Healing Through Motherhood. #gratefulmom #motherslove
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Awakening and Healing Through Motherhood. #gratefulmom #motherslove
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Awakening and Healing Through Motherhood. #gratefulmom #motherslove
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