The Collective Spiritual Awakening

Given the chaos that is going on in the world right now during this collective spiritual awakening, you may be feeling fearful or uncertain about the future. It’s okay to feel fear, we are in uncharted territory. It is natural for our human selves to fear the unknown. The amplification of fear is actually here to serve you, forcing you to feel the discomfort and look at anything you may be resistant to acknowledging and healing.

I am here to lovingly encourage you to remember that you always have a choice; you can choose to evolve through love, or you can choose to learn through fear.

Collective Spiritual Awakening of Humanity. Healing Energy, Reclaiming Power, Freeing Our Souls

The best way to utilize this time is to connect with your inner world. You are a multidimensional being, and you are always being guided from the higher frequencies by your spirit guides and your higher self.

The constant bombardment of panic in the external world distracts you from the inner work that needs to take place to allow this inner guidance system to flow freely through your energy field.

When you heal yourself, you release blockages that support the evolution of your soul, which then amplifies the light that supports the collective awakening of humanity as a whole.

This is a time of a massive awakening and a shift in human consciousness from a 3D vibrational frequency into a 5D frequency.

We are seeing the actions of our unhealed wounds as humans being brought to light. Many of us have seen how humanity can act in an “every man and woman for themselves” state of survival. While we can be compassionate and understand this act of fear, your soul knows there is a better way.

The fearful part of yourself, the Ego, says that you are alone and must fight to survive at all costs. The fearless part of you, your Soul, says we are all in this together. It knows that there is more than enough here for all of us to THRIVE.

Across the globe, government, healthcare, school systems and financial structures are failing.

The amplification of these failing systems is divine intervention supporting this collective awakening. For us to heal and shift in consciousness, we must first become aware of what is needed to be healed. The Ego fears it is the end of the world, but it is not. It’s s the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a brand new world created by integrating our souls.

We currently live in a reality where money, fear, and greed take precedence over the natural health, happiness, and freedom of those living in it. We are now waking up to the truth that this is within our power to change. This is the collective spiritual awakening.

Where we have been stuck in survival mode we are now awakening to the truth that we have the power and capacity within us to thrive. It’s our job to make this happen, and the time is now.

We’ve seen what happens when we fight for ourselves. History has shown us what happens when we have an “us” vs “them” attitude. The end result of the Ego will always result in self-destruction, and we are moving through another cycle of witnessing this destruction – but this time with a higher lens of consciousness.

If you feel lost, angry and helpless over the chaos and fear around you, turn inward.

Starting with yourself. Use this space to heal what needs healing to raise your vibrations and increase the frequency and consciousness of all.

Heal the parts of yourself that align with the belief of lack, limitation, greed, attachment, separation or hatred.

Give yourself space from all of the distractions around you and connect with the voice within.

Practice sending love, kindness and compassion to everyone you meet, even those who can’t send it back just yet.

Do things that make you feel good, inspired, and connected.

Practice forgiveness. We are all just trying to figure out life, that alone can be hard.

Remember that we all wake up in our own time. You have no control over the timeline of awakening in someone else’s life. We all have free will. You will see that many choose to continue fueling the fear. It’s not your job to change them. Trust in your own path. Focus on your soul’s work of healing, raising your vibration, and shifting your consciousness into the higher vibrations of love and unity.

Like attracts like, just as fear breeds more fear, love breeds more love.

So feel the love, send the love, be the love.

Love is the strongest force there is.

Love is all that is real.

Megan xo

To read more about how you can consciously ascend through this shift, check out my blog post “Ascending Through the Collective Awakening“.

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2 thoughts on “The Collective Spiritual Awakening

  1. Miriam Chamberlain says:

    Hello I’m interested in healing naturally.

    • Megan Hallman says:

      Hi Miriam,

      Thanks for reading! I invite you to check out my “Soul Sessions” to get started/move deeper on your inner healing journey. If you are looking for some more personalized support, I also offer spiritual guidance. You can see what feels most in alignment for you under the “higher healing” section of my site.

      Lots of love,
      Megan xo

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