How To Naturally Heal Anxiety And Depression

I believe that when you naturally heal anxiety and depression, you create the space and potential to truly THRIVE in life.

How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation

As a little girl, I was so anxious that I would curl myself up into a little ball and sleep in the corner of my room. Every night I would keep myself awake, sweating with visions of being kidnapped, murdered, or caught in my house while it was on fire.

I had no idea this was anxiety.

As a teenager, the undiagnosed anxiety morphed into depression and I started self-harming with bulimia and cutting. The dark cloud grew until, eventually, I was having serious thoughts of suicide and eventually one failed attempt. I started with some help from a therapist and learned new strategies to cope. Unconsciously, I began managing my anxiety with perfectionism, and the depression magically “disappeared.”

As a young adult, I then kept myself awake with worries about money, relationships, and criticisms of my physical appearance. Again, I still had no idea this was anxiety. I started self-medicating with overeating, excessive spending, drinking, and using recreational drugs like marijuana.

The anxiety wasn’t able to be contained anymore; it was manifesting in my physical body. My limbs would feel numb, and my heart would continuously race. On more than one occasion, I had panic attacks so bad that I passed out and threw up.

After I could no longer get high enough, drunk enough, or have enough to numb the pain, I decided to do something different. I chose to feel it.

I moved into the pain and asked myself why I was feeling this way. What was I trying to avoid? What was I so afraid of? 

This was the turning point in my life. My anxiety didn’t magically go away, but I felt like I had the power to learn, grow, and heal through it.

That’s exactly what I did. 

In the years following this turning point, I did a lot of healing and connected deeper with my true self. This led to the start of this blog and my soul-led way of life and business. 

The Natural Cure For Anxiety and Depression

I would love to encourage you to reframe how you think and feel about anxiety and depression. It is absolutely something that you can beat – but not without effort on your part. The cure for obesity would be proper self-care, healthy eating, and exercise, but if you went back to eating fast food and binging on Netflix all day every day, it would return. The same is true for curing your anxiety and depression. You will need to take these tools and continue to apply them to your life daily to be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself that you can be.

Self Reflection & Connection

Discovering who you are, beyond your thoughts, is a game-changer. When you begin to notice how many of your thoughts are fueled by negativity and fear, in an attempt to keep you “safe,” you’ll have a better understanding of why you feel the way you do. The good news is that thoughts are just thoughts; they are not who you are. With awareness, compassion and kindness towards yourself, you can begin to change them. Meditation, journaling, and simply taking time away from social media can support you with this. 

To support you in beginning or deepening your daily meditation practice, I’ve created a Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul Healing Meditation Collection.

Recognize Your Triggers & Comfort Coping

Sometimes you start feeling anxious or low energy and have no idea why. You may wrack your brain trying to figure out, “why do I feel anxious.” You might even be fueling the anxious energy by looking for answers and comfort outside of yourself. This can include excessive googling, mindless television, spending, working out, drinking, or eating. With the practice of observing your thoughts, and how they trigger your emotions, you will begin to recognize your triggers and comfort coping strategies quicker. This will help you pull yourself back out, rather than continuing to fuel the fear.


Healing is the ultimate tool for transforming your life and overcoming anxiety and depression. The essential starting piece is to take ownership of your life and healing. Whatever happened in the past is in the past. All that we have right now is this moment, and it is at this moment that you can choose to create a new path for yourself in the future. You are not a victim of your circumstances.

You’re not a slave to your mind. You are the creator of your reality, and you can choose to live whatever life you desire to live. This disconnect between the truth you know deep down at the core of your being, and your longing to move beyond the dense energies weighing you down; is the only thing stopping you from truly living your full potential. 

There are many ways to work through this healing to bridge that gap between the disconnect. 

I’ve done therapy and counselling, and while it was helpful, I did not find the full-body healing and empowerment that I was hoping for. The most significant shifts I’ve created in my own life occurred after I received energy healing. I received my first energy healing session in 2013 and have since become an energy healer myself. If you are new to the idea of energy healing, I encourage you to have an open mind! Your moods, thoughts, emotions, and actions are all manifestations of energy, and when we work at healing from the source is when the greatest transformation unfolds.

I have created these divinely channelled Soul Sessions to support you in healing your energy from the soul level.

Inner Child Soul Session
Connecting With Your Higher Self Soul Session
Meeting Your Spirit Guides Soul Session


Along the same lines as energy healing, acupuncture pinpoints specific energy centers in the body and issues a release. This is an excellent resource to use in addition to your inner work of self-discovery and healing. There is medical evidence to suggest that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of anxiety and depression. Many benefit plans will provide coverage for this service. 


Never under estimate the power of your imagination. You can use your mind to create a better future for yourself. When suffering with depression and anxiety, your mind often creates a darkened filter for you view to yourself and the world around you. To counteract this, take some time each day to visualize the version of you who is free from the dense energies of anxiety and depression. Focus on what you look like and feel like. What are you doing to feel good in this visualization for yourself. What kinds of experiences are you living? Take some time even just for a minute each day to feel into this energy of your future self.

To support you in manifesting this reality through healing from the inside out, check out my Holistic Manifesting Meditation Collection.


Exercise is an act of self-love for your body, not something you have to do to get somewhere. Change the attitude from “I have to work out” to “my body deserves to move” and the whole energy behind exercise shifts. Exercise is great for releasing stress and endorphins while also giving you a sense of accomplishment and confidence. If you are not one to work out, start slow, try to find something you truly enjoy and be gentle with yourself.

Mindful Consumption

Be mindful of what you are putting into your body, and how it impacts your mood. Often, the coping comforts we use to avoid our anxious feelings, lead to more anxiety. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol and marijuana can all lead to an increase in anxious and depressed feelings. While you’re working on getting your mind, body and spirit vibrating beyond the fearful energy of depression and anxiety, it might be a good idea to cut these things out temporarily. Remember, you are here to enjoy life, so don’t let your mind convince you that you can never have these things again. The intention is to no longer need them to survive your anxious mind; it’s time to THRIVE! 

Sending you infinite love,
Megan xx

Request Guidance & Healing

Move deeper into the infinite guidance that your Higher Self, Spirit Team and Inner Child offer you as you navigate this human experience.

Connect with Your Higher Self
Meet Your Spirit Guides
Connect with Your Inner Child

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I only send occasional emails with new blog posts or other relevant healing information to support you.

How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation
How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation
How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation
How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation
How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation
How to naturally heal anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a gift and something you can work through to thrive in your life. Mental Health, Energy Healing & Spirituality. #cureanxiety #calm #overwhelm #healing #anxiety #mindfulness #mindful #anxietymotivation

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